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  • michelle - High quality extractors!

    I had never heard of a blackhead remover until I had a facial at a spa. They used tools like these and extracted lots of black heads on the surface of my face. It was awesome! I just had to get a set of my own! I'm so happy I did. These you do not need to press very hard at all for the black head to extract and they last a long time! I highly recommend this product!.

  • Amanda L Henry - My Go To Hair Product

    This is one of my favorite products on Amazon. With damp hair out of the shower I spritz a little in my hands, then work it into the ends of my hair. I've noticed that I do not need haircuts as often with its a ten, and it makes my hair less frizzy. When styling, because my hair is less frizzy, the curls or flat ironed hiar looks better. It leaves my hair shiny. My hair is dry, so this product, when applied to the ends, did not make my hair oily. For oily hair I would go with the lighter formula they came out with.

  • Golden Raspberry - Lerosett is must for acne regimen.

    Have used this product for about a year and the results are great. This is part of my acne regimen to keep my skin clear. When I started using Lerosett I had really bad acne and would apply it to bumps and leave on overnite. By morning Lerosett clay would have dried up most bumps and skin felt much better.

  • Drug Waitress, RN - Helped with little one's eczema

    We started using this after our 1 year old developed mild eczema on his arms and torso. Prior to that we were using Aveeno creamy baby wash for dry skin. The difference is night and day. I can feel when applying this to my son's skin in the bath that it is holding onto moisture. It goes on creamy, not soapy. Since starting this product last week along with Aveeno Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream, his eczema has cleared up substantially!

  • Shirley Stephenson - this stuff as soon as I sprayed it on my ...

    this stuff as soon as I sprayed it on my dog he went crazy trying to get it off his skin he was crashing into wall and throwing himself on the ground I had to immediately put him in a bath and wash it off he broke out in huge welts on his skin I threw it away

  • AmiableFolly - Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed but Should Be.

    This product is soothing for some externally-caused issues, such as fissures or open hemorrhoids. It does not work for internally nerve-caused itch or discomfort related to a yeast infection or yeast die-off. It is disappointing that there is no "satisfaction guaranteed" feature given all of the hype in the promotional material. The fact is, this is a very expensive product that is no more effective than Vaseline or Preparation H. I'm embarrassed that I fell for it.