

Au Drugstore de Fleury - Librairie, Presse, Papeterie, Carterie, Cadeaux personnalisés, LOTO, LOTO sportif, jeux de grattage, autres services, borne développement numérique, télécopie, photocopie, editions mails, confise

  • Ca se passe à Fleury Mérogis - évènements, concours, journées portes ouvertes, carnaval, journées, animations, albums photos, recherche, articles, presse, journaux,association,
  • Les ateliers du Drugstore - atelier, échange, ludique, travaux d'aiguilles, lecture, écriture, débats, gratuits,
  • Une nouvelle pizzeria au Centre Commercial - Mona Pizza, bruchettas, paninis, tex-mex, promos, pizza, pizzeria, sandwichs, salades, assiettes, burgers, pates,
  • Les Floriacumois, otages du PMU ? -  AUREZ-VOUS LE PMU ?   Comme vous le savez, il n'existe aucun point PMU dans la ville de Fleury-Mérogis (91700) depuis la fermeture du Narval et l'absence de reprise de ces paris par le café "Le Beaulieu" (ce que nous ...
  • ce qui manque au Drugstore -  Que manque t'il dans votre librairie ?Utilisez ce blog pour nous dire tout ce qui vous passe par la tête. Cette rubrique est à consommer sans modération !
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    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3292 Paris, France

  • Mary - Nothing else out there is better!

    This is the best stuff out there for cracked heels and I've tried so many others. The urea is what makes it stand out as far as performance. I use this with gel socks at night as needed. My heels have never been softer. I go barefoot as much as possible which takes a tole on my feet but this stuff keeps them soft and supple.

  • Amazon Customer - Good

    They were somewhat tight in the beginning but after a week of use they have open up and are now of perfect size.

  • Deborah M. - WORKS!

    This stuff works great and last. I'm African American, early 30's, and I have very sensitive skin and this seems to be the only thing that has worked for me especially during the winter months. Makes my skin very soft and evenly toned with less visible pores. I like the fact that it comes in a pump bottle instead of a typical jar; fast and less messy.

  • Melvin Savella - A very good buy!

    I lost my Leatherman Sidekick and thought hard on what would replace it. Having used most often the knife, then the screwdrivers, I decided to buy a pocket knife like the c33Tx.

  • R. B. Buchanan - Looks like original Honda roof rack

    This rack looks and fits like the original, for much less. You need a torque wrench or driver with phillips head bits to install it. I had little trouble once I borrowed the tools.

  • Laura B Rigby - Great mat for all sewing projects

    This mat is awesome, and really great to use for cutting flexible fabrics (like spandex) if you have a reason to do that. I don't use the cut lines on it as much as a quilter probably does, but I do just generally prefer to cut out my sewing projects with the rotary cutter on this. Using scissors just seems like a lot of work now...which sounds incredibly lazy to read back to myself, but I'm standing by it.

  • JAG919 - Great!

    Highly recommend. Best umbrella stroller I could find. Excellent features especially the very soft and comfy seat, recline, and canopy extender. Uppababy really thought about the needs and comfort of a toddler (and parent!!)